Quartz Geode Pair 3

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Quartz Geode Pair 3


A magical pair of crystal caves filled with tiny Quartz crystals. These were once a whole ‘ball’ and on breaking it open, the cave has been found inside.

This geode is approximately10 x 9 x 6mm and 695g.

These hold the properties of Quartz but they have a unique magic especially loved by children.

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Clear or colourless quartz can be totally transparent and glass-like, or have beautiful internal patterns and rainbows. It brings clarity, balance, alignment & harmony. It activates all systems of the body & all levels of consciousness.

For some people it can help to increase vitality when they lack energy or feel low; for others it can bring calmness and a feeling of wellbeing. It clears blockages & limitations at all levels of Being, protects against unwanted energies, increases awareness & promotes spiritual growth. It amplifies thought-forms, prayers & the effects of all other crystals, & can focus & enhance other forms of healing.