Lemurian Quartz Crystal Point Columbian 7

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Lemurian Quartz Crystal Point Columbian 7


Lovely Lemurian Quartz crystal point from Columbia, measuring approximately 42mm in length. This crystal has incredible rainbows.

Columbian Quartz is exceptionally bright and clear, with a very pure, high vibrational energy.

This piece shows typical ‘Lemurian bar coding’.

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Lemurian Quartz Crystals, also known as Lemurians/Lemurian Seed Crystals/Lemurian Starseed Crystals, were first found in the Diamantina region of Brazil. I have recently read that Lemurians have since been found in other areas of the world.

They have a very distinct appearance, and while natural, unpolished crystals are often quite cloudy or misty with horizontal grooves or striations resembling barcodes on one or more sides, when polished they are super sparkly and gorgeous.

Clear or colourless quartz can be totally transparent and glass-like, or have beautiful internal patterns and rainbows. It brings clarity, balance, alignment & harmony. It activates all systems of the body & all levels of consciousness.

For some people it can help to increase vitality when they lack energy or feel low; for others it can bring calmness and a feeling of wellbeing. It clears blockages & limitations at all levels of Being, protects against unwanted energies, increases awareness & promotes spiritual growth. It amplifies thought-forms, prayers & the effects of all other crystals, & can focus & enhance other forms of healing.