Shungite Tumblestones
Shungite Tumblestones
Tumblestones or tumbled stones have been tumbled with grit in a large tumbling machine to create a polished surface that is pleasant to hold and is also good for reflecting the colour of the stone. They are a great, inexpensive way to get to know crystals and to start building your collection. They are also perfect tools for healing and gridmaking.
These tumblestones are our 'standard stock' and we usually have many available. They all pass Sue's quality test, but since they are natural stones there will be some variation in appearance. You may not receive the item in the photograph.
Shungite 🖤 is a black, carbon mineral from Karelia that is found in very ancient metamorphic rocks. It is generally considered to have its origins in very ancient sea organisms, similar to those that become oil or coal, but there is also theory that Shungite is part of a giant meteorite.
In rocks with a higher carbon content, it looks very much like shiny black coal; in that with a lower content, it is more grey. Rocks with the highest content appear silvery grey, and are called Noble Shungite or Elite Shungiite. In the crystal world, you can buy different grades of Shungite, and the shiny Noble Shungite costs a lot more than the duller variety. I have both!
As well as carbon, some Shungite contains tiny amounts of fullerenes - a rare and unusual hollow molecule consisting of many carbon atoms, that is considered to be responsible for many of the healing qualities. The Fullerene molecule, also known as Carbon 60 or buckeyballs (named after Buckminster Fuller) contains a void which can absorb and remove toxins from biological systems.
For at least 300 years, water flowing over Shungite has been considered to have healing properties. There is a story from the 18th century that tells how Russian Tsar Peter the Great supplied each of his soldiers with a piece of Shungite to put in their water bottles. It was said that this contributed to the defeat of the Swedish army during the Battle of Poltova (1709) when dystentery broke out and the Swedes, lacking Shungite, were defeated by the Russians who had water purified and cleansed by Shungite.
This has led to the popular practice of putting Shungite in water as a purifier, and I believe there is evidence that it works in this way. I certainly have some in my water jug.
It is also become very popular for neutralizing electromagnetic energy. I’ve had a big piece by my wifi stuff for a long time and now will have even more!
To me, Shungite feels quite a lot like Jet – with the same smooth, quiet, unassuming presence and a rich, powerful depth. It is a wonderful stone for meditation and shamanic journeying, with a profound connection to ancient ancestors.