Quartz Charm - Lepidolite, Mother of Pearl and Aquamarine - Calming Anxiety

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Quartz Charm - Lepidolite, Mother of Pearl and Aquamarine - Calming Anxiety


Pretty hanging charm designed to bring peace and tranquility and to calm anxiety. It has a Quartz pendant, Lepidolite, Mother of Pearl, Aquamarine and Quartz beads.

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Clear or colourless quartz can be totally transparent and glass-like, or have beautiful internal patterns and rainbows. It brings clarity, balance, alignment & harmony. It activates all systems of the body & all levels of consciousness.

For some people it can help to increase vitality when they lack energy or feel low; for others it can bring calmness and a feeling of wellbeing. It clears blockages & limitations at all levels of Being, protects against unwanted energies, increases awareness & promotes spiritual growth. It amplifies thought-forms, prayers & the effects of all other crystals, & can focus & enhance other forms of healing.

Lepidolite varies from rose pink to lavender, lilac and purple with sparkly mica 'flakes'.

It is a peaceful stone, dispelling worries and bringing calmness and serenity. It soothes ruffled emotions and has been used for stress, anxiety and depression. It is a perfect ally when you are feeling ‘frazzled’.

Lepidolite is a good stone for meditation and spiritual awareness, and for helping to bring a higher perspective to challenging situations.

Mother of Pearl is a very soft and gentle female energy, calm and receptive.

Aquamarine – the beautiful pale blue/green of a calm sea bringing inspiration and helping us to go with the flow

Aquamarine brings calmness and peace. It can help us to ‘go with the flow’, and release anxiety, fears and phobias. It is a purifier and protects against pollution. I have found Aquamarine to help with fluid retention, throat infections and swollen glands, thyroid imbalance and eye problems.

Aquamarine brings clarity and increases perception, inspiration, intuition, spiritual vision and self-expression. It can help us to express our truth, even when this may be a challenge, and assist us to stay calm and focussed under pressure.