7 Crystals to relieve stress and anxiety (plus a few from earlier)

It has been suggested that now might be the perfect time to write about crystals to relieve stress and anxiety - so here goes!

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I’m going to start with fear. Fear has a very important purpose - that of self-preservation. The feeling of fear warns us of impending danger and is crucial to our survival. When faced with danger your body responds - your heart rate and breathing increase, you experience a surge of adrenaline and the experience of fear as you run, attack or freeze. With time, physiological and emotional responses can return to normal.

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Some people, for all sorts of reasons, become excessively fearful and there are several crystals that can help with this. My favourite crystal to release excessive fear is Aquamarine. I wrote about Aquamarine in an earlier blogpost: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/blog/2020/5/4/bloodstone-smoky-quartz-and-aquamarine


Anxiety happens when you have a fear response to situations that aren’t actually happening in that moment. You may be fearful about something in the future, something that may happen or even about something that is very unlikely to happen.

We become stressed when we do not have sufficient opportunity to for our natural stress responses to return to baseline or when the sheer amount of stressful experiences exceed our ability to cope. This fatigues body systems and can cause many physical and behavioural problems. Even the most balanced individuals can become stressed if exposed to too much over a period of time.

At this time in the life of Planet Earth, we are all experiencing a degree of stress as the current systems of organization break down - and break down they must in order for new ways to birth that will enable human life to continue.

So how can crystals help us? Well, first of all we need to be grounded, stable and present in each moment. I’ve already written about grounding crystals here:
Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian
Bloodstone and Smoky Quartz

Now for some other crystals that can help

Lepidolite - dispelling worry, relieving anxiety and depression

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Lepidolite is a lithium bearing mica that ranges from rose pink to lavender, lilac and purple.
It is a peaceful stone, dispelling worries and bringing calmness and serenity.  It soothes ruffled emotions and has been used for stress, anxiety and depression. It is a perfect ally when you are feeling ‘frazzled’.

Lepidolite is a good stone for meditation and spiritual awareness, and for helping to bring a higher perspective to challenging situations.

I’ve given Lepidolite to many, many people over the years and had excellent feedback from children and adults. It’s one of the gentle stones in my Baby & Child Sleep Bundle.

Buy Lepidolite here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/lepidolite-1

Howlite - bringing a gentle, calm presence

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Howlite is, in my opinion, one of the very overlooked stones and I really appreciate the gentle, calm presence.. It is relatively inexpensive and so is readily available. In its natural state it is white with grey markings. It is very porous and it is often dyed rather lurid colours. Blue dyed Howlite is frequently sold as Turquoise.

Howlite is a beautifully calming stone that is often overlooked and undervalued. It settles fraught emotions and frazzled minds, enabling us to listen to the wisdom of our higher selves. Unusually for a white stone, it is also quite grounding and stabilising, though never heavy.

Buy Howlite here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/howlite

Blue Lace Agate/Blue Chalcedony - cooling and soothing

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Blue Lace Agate is a heavenly pale blue banded chalcedony. It cools and soothes the physical body, calms emotions, frees us from limiting thoughts and beliefs and helps us to connect with our higher self.

It can be very helpful where there is pain caused by inflammation. It has been found to lower temperatures in infectious illness, and can be really useful during the feverishness of childhood illness, due to its gentle nature.

The spirit of Blue Lace Agate is a vast blue sky with small puffy white clouds. It helps us to step away from the fears, anxieties and worries of daily life and find peace and tranquility. It can help us move beyond limited perceptions and limiting thoughts and beliefs, to remember who we truly are – vast, limitless beings. It can also encourage us to express this truth, and bring our gifts to the world, especially for shy or sensitive souls who may hold back for fear of being misunderstood, judged of ridiculed.

Buy Blue Lace Agate and Blue Chalcedony here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/blue-lace-agate-chalcedony

Sodalite - deeply relaxing, reducing panic

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Sodalite is a beautiful deep blue. It is has a strong wisdom and is deeply calming and relaxing, even slightly sedative. It can be helpful for panic attacks.

An Air element stone, it can calm a busy mind, align mind and heart, balance the logical with the spiritual and help us to step back from complicated or overwhelming situations in order to gain a clearer perspective. It has a strong affinity with the Brow Chakra and assists in seeing beyond the ordinary and obvious and journeying to other realms.

Buy Sodalite here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/sodalite

Dumortierite - aids sleep, trust in your own knowing

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Dumortierite is denim blue. It has a comforting, grounded energy and is my personal favourite to bring a good night’s sleep – both falling asleep and staying asleep. You’ll find it in my Sleep Aid Bundle.

It encourages self-belief, helping to bring confidence in trusting one’s own perceptions and viewpoints, and this in turn releases stress and confusion. This can be very helpful at present when we are overwhelmed by lies masquerading as truth.

Buy Dumortierite here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/dumortierite

New Jade - peaceful, brings a sense of wellbeing

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I am totally in love with New Jade. It is a kind of Serpentine and it is cleansing, detoxifying and deeply calming. It has the profound spiritual depth of Jade, but it also has a lightness and sweetness that makes it easy to be with.

If you spend a lot of time at a desk or in an 'unnatural' environment, New Jade brings a breath of fresh air and a lovely, calm energy.

Buy New Jade here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/bowenite-new-jade

Prehnite - my ‘no worries’ stone

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Prehnite is a beautiful translucent green stone – most often a yellow-green, but I’ve also seen a beautiful minty green.

I call it the ‘no worries’ stone. It is wonderful for calming things down when the environment is chaotic. It brings a sense of release, expansion, protection and peace, reminding us that we are part of nature, natural cycles and natural law.

If you feel overwhelmed by life, especially by too much physical ‘stuff’, and yearn for simplicity and peace, Prehnite might help you to let go of those things you don’t need. (Bring in Garnet to give you the energy boost to start decluttering!)

It can really help sensitive people, including children who find everything too much to handle, and thus might become agitated or ‘hyperactive’.

Sometimes Epidote is found within Prehnite. Epidote is wonderfully clearing of all negativity and also attracts positive energy and abundance making Prehnite with Epidote is a wonderful anti-stress stone.

Buy Prehnite here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/prehnite

So there we have 8 crystals to help with anxiety and stress - each in a slightly different way and with other unique properties. Each crystal will work in a slightly different way with each individual, since the effect is an interaction of crystal energy and human energy.

I’ve also mentioned Aquamarine and a variety of grounding crystals that I’ve already written about in previous blogposts.

In addition, if you are feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed, a good smudging often helps. You can read about this here: https://www.sueweaver.co.uk/blog/2019/2/11/awakening-energy-amp-spring-cleaning

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Buy smudging herbs and accessories here:


Stay well as we negotiate these crazy times!