Moving into Autumn - a crystal for now

Last night I lit the woodburner and this morning I put the heating on. For a week or so, the scent of Autumn has drifted in on the breeze. Mornings have been Autumn and a woolly cardigan. By eleven it’s been time for a change of attire to a cotton cardigan. Some days have been gloriously sunny and bare arms have held onto the last gifts of summer, until 4 when the woolly cardigan has been needed again. We’ve still managed most lunches outside, and as many suppers as possible - admittedly some with a bit of English determination - it isn’t actually raining! I no longer have to wait for the chickens to go to bed before I do. They are now settled on their perches by a respectable 8pm.

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With the energy drawing into Earth, different crystals call - those that are gently grounding; those that are warming and nurturing - and over the next period of time I’m going to share some crystals that are calling me right now.

This week I’ve been drawn to Aragonite. I’ve written about it before this year, but now it really comes into its own. I have two types of Aragonite in stock in the webshop.

Banded Aragonite has stripes of brown and cream. It has a lovely, soft energy that is gently grounding and centring, and a perfect ally for being in the present moment. It helps us to release turbulent emotion and to stay calm and settled when people or situations around us are challenging or chaotic, so that we neither react from emotion, nor lose ourselves in a different story.

Aragonite, like the better-known calcite, is a calcium carbonate mineral but it’s crystals have a different structure. It comes in a variety of colours, including white, pink, yellow, orange, red and brown.

The name is derived from The Aragon River in Spain, which is where the first crystals were found. This type are brown clusters which are sometimes called Aragonite ‘Sputniks’ or Flowers of Iron (Iron creating the colour).

These clusters orange/brown crystals form many interesting shapes. They are named for the Russian satellite Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite launched in 1957.

Aragonite Sputniks share the gently grounding and centering qualities of banded Aragonite but they are also warming, opening and energising. Hold if you feel chilly, especially where circulation is poor and hands and feet get really cold. Work with Aragonite if you feel disconnected and forget that you are at one with your community and Mother Earth. Feel your Earth Star - the chakra beneath your feet - relax and allow your heart, mind and spirit to soften and open .

Crystals to come soon - Petrified/Fossil Wood and Carnelian