All you need is Love. Valentines Day and pink crystals.

As we approach Valentine’s Day, it gives me the perfect excuse to share some pink crystals with you. Whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s Day in a romantic way, my view is that any reason to focus on love has got to be good. Maybe try being your own Valentine and focus on being loving to yourself. Maybe take time to tell all those people who matter to you that you love them. Maybe make the Earth your love for the day – take a conscious walk with love and appreciation – sing a song of love and gratitude to the land or to the water.

Pink can be gentle or feisty, just like the girls it is often associated with! Pink is a combination of white and red, and the red gives it energy and sometimes passion, so don’t ever write off pink as overly tame or wishy washy.

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Rose Quartz

I’ll start with pink Quartz, called Rose Quartz. It usually comes in lumps as opposed to individual crystals and some of the pieces can be huge. The quality varies from low grade light opaque pink that’s perfect for gardens, to gorgeous high grade that can be deepest pink or beautifully subtle and very translucent and sometimes even lavender.

Rose Quartz radiates Love. Of all the crystals, this is the one of which I say ‘every home should have one’. Every workplace should have one too – and your garden will appreciate a chunk! When in the environment, it encourages us to be kind, tolerant and understanding of ourselves and others.

Rose Quartz helps to find physical and emotional equilibrium. If there is too much heat in the body, she will bring a cooling energy; if there is cold, she will warm. Where there is depression, she will help to lift the spirits. Where there is worry, anxiety, fear, she will help to soothe and calm the emotions.

On a day to day level, Rose Quartz can help to deal with emotional stress of all kinds. With her loving and balancing energy, she is an excellent ally to have in all environments - every home should have one! On a deeper level, she can assist us in the most difficult times, helping us to release painful emotions, healing wounded and broken hearts, and helping us to love and forgive ourselves and others. Some people experience only her gentleness and nurturing, but sometimes the release of emotion needed to bring balance can be very painful indeed, and in these situations, the journey to healing that Rose Quartz brings can be very challenging.

Rose Quartz can help us to be more understanding and accepting of ourselves, especially when we feel inadequate or unworthy. She can also help us to be more accepting of others, moving away from judgement to a more compassionate place. Rose Quartz can help us to see and feel the Beauty.

Read more about Rose Quartz in my Free Factsheet

Browse Rose Quartz here

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Manganocalcite is a soft, creamy, baby pink. Like the Quartz family, Calcite is very common and is found in many colours, ranging from colourless through lemon, honey, orange, rose, green, blue, pale to intense pink and even black. Calcite is a soft mineral and needs to be treated kindly so it doesn’t get scratched.

I find calcite to be fast acting and deeply clearing, yet the energy comes in gently and doesn’t feel intense. For that reason, I use it a lot with babies and children.

Manganocalcite releases conflict and nurtures and balances the heart. It is a gentle but powerful healer of the emotions, including deep seated fear, anger, grief and trauma, and can help to boost self acceptance, self worth and self love and bring forgiveness, peace and wellbeing.

Find my Baby/Child Sleep Bundle here:

Browse Manganocalcite here:

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Cobaltocalcite or Cobaltoan Calcite is an unusual Calcite with Cobalt inclusions making it an intense pink. It isn’t subtle at all! It is usually found in small druzy clusters that can be very sparkly – and sparky! As with all Calcites, it is very clearing, especially on the emotional level. Cobaltocalcite gently yet powerfully clears and cleanses old emotional wounds and stuckness, enabling the heart centre to open so that we can show our true essence and give and receive pure love.

It is also sometimes known both as Aphrodite Stone or Roselite.

Browse Cobaltocalcite here:



Rhodocrosite is a beautiful stone with peachy pink and cream bands and swirls. It is a nurturing stone of love and courage.

Rhodocrosite can support us to recall, face and heal old emotional pain, especially from childhood wounding, and find compassion and self-love, contentment and a sense of wellbeing. In clearing the past there can be a return to joy, so that we can shine our true light into the world.

We are waiting for more Rhodocrosite to arrive. We’re expecting some gorgeous gemmy pieces. It should be here on Monday and will add as soon as we can.

Browse Rhodocrosite here:

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Rhodonite is a pretty opaque pink stone that often has grey or black manganese markings. It is the most grounded of the pink stones.

It is strong and calm, bringing the energy of love into day to day living. It brings stability, practical support, reduces stress and helps to raise self esteem and confidence. It can help you to work towards attaining your needs whilst remaining loving and open. It can support you to bring your gifts forward in service to your community and assist you to live your Soul’s purpose.

Browse Rhodonite here:

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Rose Opal

Opal is a silica mineral, very like quartz, but it is like obsidian in that it has has no crystal structure and it has lots of water within.

I love opal. It has a very magical, mysterious, visionary quality. It works very much on the emotional level, and can magnify whatever emotion you are experiencing.

Rose Opal is a beautiful soft rose pink. It is a very feminine stone that is calming and soothing to the emotions. It also helps us to reconnect with, and trust, our intuition and heart’s knowing.

Browse Rose Opal here:

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline is a beautiful crystal with a strong feminine energy that works primarily at the heart and higher heart centres.

Like many of the pink stones, it can help to heal old emotional wounds, and bring a sense of peace, happiness and love. Tourmalines are strong though, and Pink Tourmaline brings the strength and confidence to move beyond soothing your wounds – to step beyond fear and be in the world. It can help you to be in relationship with others, personally, romantically and professionally, and from a place of love for yourself, to be able to listen to, and be with others.

If you feel depressed, dejected or rejected, Pink Tourmaline could help you to love yourself and find the courage to interact with the world in a positive, creative way.

All the Tourmalines have a strong aligning quality, enabling them to work strongly in a ‘vertical’ way through the chakras, connecting heaven and earth.

Browse Pink Tourmaline here:


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Kunzite is a beautiful pale violet pink variety of the mineral Spodumene. It is a lithium-rich crystal that opens the heart to unconditional love. Kunzite is one of those magical crystals that displays dichroism which, in normal language, means that it looks a different colour from different angles. It can be pink one way and lavender the other way!

Kunzite has a high vibrational frequency. It's a bit like fizzy Rose Quartz! It is a stone of Love - not ordinary romantic love, but a high vibration of pure love.

It teaches us that pink is not all fluffy and sweet, as it can be quite ruthless in cutting away anything that is not in alignment with truth, making what might seem ruthless choices when that is what is needed for the greater good. To me it is a stone of the empowered feminine - pure love and true, sometimes ruthless, compassion.

If we are struggling emotionally, it can help us to understand why we feel the way we do, and to make choices from a clear place, thus easing stress and turmoil, and settling emotions. It can support us to cut away that which is not real or in our best interest.

Kunzite opens us to receive love from the Divine, and reminds us that we are each a part of Oneness. It is my favourite stone for welcoming in new souls, and I recommend it as a gift for newborns and new mothers.

It is my favourite stone to give to pregnant women and new mothers, or those trying to conceive consciously, since it brings love and power and also calls to the incoming soul.

Browse Kunzite here:

Crystal Bundle for Pregnancy and Birth here:

More red than pink! For passion!

Thulite, Ruby and Red Garnet bring passion and combine well with the pink stones when that’s what’s needed.

Thulite is pink Zoisite that varies from pale to deepest rose pink. It is a very positive, activating, passionate heart chakra stone, encouraging us to love and value ourselves and take action on self-care. From this place, once our own needs are met, we are able to expand this energy outward to our relationships and interactions with others.

Find Thulite here:

Ruby is a powerful crystal that raises energy and passion, and brings positivity. Being red, it is often considered to be a base or root chakra crystal, but in truth, it is primarily a heart stone. Ruby helps the spirit to settle in the heart, so that we can live our soul’s purpose, expressing the truth of who we are with confidence. It brings love into all our actions, helps us to act with courage and supports leadership, informed by ancient wisdom.

Find Ruby here:

Garnet is a powerful crystal that increases life force energy. I often read that it is grounding, but to me it has a fluid energy with a lot of movement. The Spirit of Garnet appears to me as a beautiful jewelled chalice, overflowing with the most delicious, rich, red wine. It enriches the blood to nourish the body.

Garnet brings energy, positivity, confidence and determination to get things done. If you have been avoiding tackling things that need to be done, or putting up with things you know are not good for you – pick up a Garnet to bring the energy you need - and deal with it.

Garnet is excellent for increasing passion for life, and passion in love. Garnet and Rose Quartz are a great Love mix!

Find Garnet here:

WARNING: Although red crystals increase energy, you need to be relatively strong to benefit from their energy frequencies. If your energy is very depleted, red may be overpowering, and you might benefit initially from the gentle nourishment of pink or green crystals, before bringing in the power of red.

A few suggestions for Valentine gifts of love

We have lots more Crystal Hearts here.

Every piece will come beautifully wrapped in a white organza drawstring bag with fragrant flower petals.

May you love and honour yourself, recognising that you are a beautiful and sacred part of Creation.

May you open to receive Love from the heart of Creation.

From that place, may you extend love to others and to all that is.

Crystal Blessings xxx