
‘I come into alignment with my true and divine purpose’

As we begin to emerge from the rest and retreat time of deep winter, there’s a time of opening up the dreaming that we’ve been holding through the dark times. It’s a time when we examine our values; a time of planning and looking forward to what we wish to manifest. It isn’t yet time to act, but it is time to open up our mind - to examine known possibilities and expand into new ones.

I find the clear/colourless/white crystals to be especially helpful at this time, and today I’m writing about Quartz.

Clear Quartz is considered by many to be the “master crystal” for healing, and has been respected throughout history as a powerful healer, transformer and teacher. For many people, Clear Quartz is what the word “crystal” describes.

In our world, where we are encouraged always to seek the new, Quartz is often overlooked, or worked with then discarded as people seek more and more new and different crystals. I have lots of Quartz in my life - all over the place in house and garden as well as in the Crystal Barn and Healing Room - and I value it immensely. It’s the first crystal I introduce students to and I ask them to work with it for quite a long time. Even if there were no other crystals available to us, there is a lot that we can do with Quartz because we can work with it in so many ways.


Clear Quartz is pure quartz, silicon dioxide (SiO2), with no impurities. Quartz crystals generally occur in groups of six-sided prisms with pyramidal terminations, though single crystals are also found. It is also found in aggregate or massive form (lumps!). Quartz crystals range from very tiny to huge “earthkeepers”, which may be larger than a human. Quartz is frequently “milky”, but is sometimes perfectly clear. There are often horizontal striations on the vertical faces, and it has a hardness of 7.

Quartz is also found as a constituent mineral in many igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. A familiar example is granite.

Quartz often has minute inclusions of other minerals or elements, which may produce colour, e.g. amethyst, rose quartz, citrine. Some mineral inclusions are visible as one substance within another, such as tourmaline in quartz, rutilated quartz, or phantoms. Also found are crystals with inclusions of gas or liquid. Not all quartz forms crystals which are visible to the naked eye. Much quartz is microcrystalline – made up of many tiny crystals. Microcrystalline quartz does not have the characteristic six-sided geometric shape. Examples include the agates, jaspers, chalcedony.

Because Clear Quartz embodies the frequency of pure white light, which contains all colour vibrations, it works in many ways and on many levels.

My personal experience of the Spirit of Clear Quartz is of a bright, white star in an icy, snowy vastness. There is total purity, an absolute limitlessness, and the bright star of inspiration. These are the qualities that I like to draw on at this time in the Wheel of the Year.

For many people, their first experience of Clear Quartz crystal is one of increased balance and harmony. They may feel calmer; or they may feel more energised and positive, depending on what is needed.

Often, however, clear quartz can bring a challenge.

Clear Quartz teaches us about clarity, purity, focus, direction and directness. It can help to clear any energy that is not in alignment with our Spiritual Blueprint, and bring us into alignment on all levels of being.

Before we are born, our Soul/Spirit Self makes choices about how we will incarnate in order to learn the lessons needed to contribute to, or complete, our evolution. As we experience the lessons of life, we often become out of balance, and the path of rebalancing forms a large part of our learning and growth.

Clear Quartz can help to release negative and limiting emotions, and thought patterns and beliefs which no longer serve us. As these move out of our energy bodies, there is often a corresponding energy change in the physical body. These changes, on physical, emotional and mental levels can be very challenging. They may be experienced as intense heat or cold, headaches, nausea or sickness, pain in the body, or many other physical symptoms. On emotional and mental levels, there may also be challenges, as painful emotions are brought to consciousness as they are released, and those things that have seemed to form the foundations of our lives are brought into question.

As we release imbalance, disharmony and limitation, we move into a situation where all our energy bodies, all aspects of our being, come into alignment. From this place there is an experience of balance, clarity, and bliss.

We are able to function effectively on all levels, with great clarity and sense of purpose, with minimum effort producing maximum results, and an experience of harmony in all things. We can move gently, but powerfully, through life, making our own personal contribution to the world, taking full responsibility with joy and in appreciation.

As our awareness changes, we may find it easier to access the multidimensional world of Spirit. Humans have worked with the energy of Clear Quartz in this way for millenia. It has been used to aid meditation, develop sensory and “super-sensory” awareness, including telepathy. Clear Quartz is an excellent aid to dreamwork, though some people find it much too stimulating to get any sleep with.

Quartz is a natural amplifier of energy, and placed with any other crystal, will increase the effect of it’s energy. This is why much jewellery is created with smaller gemstones joined to clear quartz crystals. Not only are the two energies combined, but the quartz amplifies the energy of the other crystal or crystals..

Clear quartz can also intensify and direct a “healer’s energy”, and so may increase the effectiveness of any hands-on, spiritual, chanelled, reiki, or other energy healing.

Clear Quartz is found throughout the world. You are most likely to find quartz that has come from Brazil, Madagascar, Arkansas, China, Himalayas. Quartz from each location has a very distinctive personality.

Much quartz is not totally clear. In addition to the many colored varieties, there are degrees of clarity in “white” quartz, ranging from totally clear and transparent, through Milky Quartz, to the opaque whiteness of Snow Quartz. A single crystal may be quite white and opaque at the base, growing to clarity at the termination. I’ll write about Snow Quartz and Moon/Girasol Quartz soon.

If you are beginning work with crystals, and you are inviting spiritual growth and healing into your life, or if you are ready for a quantum leap, I would recommend that you take the time to find a Clear Quartz with which you strongly resonate, and dedicate some time to working together. It does not matter if this is an unpolished “natural” crystal, single or double terminated, a tumbled quartz, crystal ball or other shape. None are “better” nor “more powerful”. Just be awake to that which calls you, and invites you on a journey of discovery.

Find Quartz here:

And please do keep popping back, because we are adding items all the time.