As we approach Valentine’s Day, I thought we’d show you some of the lovely hearts we have in stock. The first that popped up to be photographed were all blue and I was pretty sure I’d written about blue crystals earlier. If I did, I can’t find it now, so here goes . . .

In this photograph you can see four different blue crystal hearts - Sodalite, Dumortierite, Angelite and Lapis Lazuli.



In the lower half of the hearts photograph there are two large and two small Sodalite hearts.


Sodalite is a beautiful deep blue. It is has a strong wisdom and is deeply calming and relaxing, even slightly sedative. It can be helpful for panic attacks.

An Air element stone, it can calm a busy mind, align mind and heart, balance the logical with the spiritual and help us to step back from complicated or overwhelming situations in order to gain a clearer perspective. It has a strong affinity with the Brow Chakra and assists in seeing beyond the ordinary and obvious and journeying to other realms.


In the middle of the hearts photograph is one large Dumortierite heart.



Dumortierite is denim blue. It has a comforting, grounded energy and is my personal favourite to bring a good night’s sleep – both falling asleep and staying asleep. You’ll find it in my Sleep Aid Bundle.

It encourages self-belief, helping to bring confidence in trusting one’s own perceptions and viewpoints, and this in turn releases stress and confusion. This can be very helpful at present when we are overwhelmed by lies masquerading as truth.

Buy Dumortierite here


In the hearts photograph, there is one small, pale blue Angelite heart.


Angelite is a beautiful pale blue mineral that brings calm and peaceful acceptance. As the name suggests, it can help communication with the angelic realms and other spirit guides, but it does so in a very matter-of-fact way. It’s the most grounding of the ‘angelic stones’ so can be good for those who have a tendency to float away.

Angelite is a soft stone and needs to be treated with care. Please cleanse using a non-water method.

Buy Angelite here


There are five Lapis Lazuli hearts in the hearts photograph - one large and 4 small

Lapis Lazuli

We have bought lots of truly beautiful Lapis Lazuli recently.

Lapis Lazuli is not actually a crystal, but a rock comprised of the minerals lazurite (deep, rich blue) calcite (white) and pyrite (gold flecks).

It is renowned as a ‘spiritual stone’, with a long association with wisdom and truth, and is considered by many to be useful for psychic protection.

Lapis has a strong affinity with the brow chakra/third eye. It is calming to the everyday mind and can help to bring a sense of clear perspective. To me, the main gift and power of Lapis Lazuli is to take us deep within to access our own wisdom and truth. In my experience, it is one of the main stones to access past life memories. When the time is right, this can happen very quickly.
