
Samhain - endings and beginnings

As we move towards the end of October it’s clear that the active time of year has truly passed. Seeds and projects were sown, tended as they grew, then gathered in. Since the harvest we’ve had time to evaluate outcomes, rejoice and express gratitude for successes and hold the intent to sow dreamseeds of new and better ways for future times.

The end of October brings Samhain or hallowe’en. Samhain (pronounced Sowen) is one of the ancient festivals that honour and celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year. In the old ways, it is the beginning of the year - a time to move into the darkness, where we rest and dream the next phase in the cycle before bringing it to birth in spring.

It’s a magical time when the veils between the worlds are thin and we honour our ancestors, including those who have passed over in last year. Darkness holds the power of the ancient Grandmother Void - the Womb of Creation - the absolute zero that holds all potentials within. Between Samhain and Winter Solstice, as the seeds lie deep in the soil, we move into the dark time where we can rest, release and reflect on what has gone before and dream the ideas that will become manifest as the wheel turns.

Obsidian - going within, the Void, addressing deep issues, scrying


Obsidian is natural volcanic glass. Black Obsidian has a very powerful energy which has a natural affinity with the Navel, Base and Earth Star Chakras. It connects us to Mother Earth and to the Fire at her core. It is deep, passionate, sensual and intense.

Obsidian takes us deep inside, to hidden places, and reveals that which needs to be released and that which needs to be owned and integrated. The deep, dark, velvet blackness can be a fearful place, if the Shadow has not been addressed; alternatively it can be a healing place of peace, rest and recuperation.

Obsidian is a wonderful shamanic tool, and Obsidian Mirrors have been used for millennia. We’ve recently received a delivery of three types of beautiful mirrors which we are absolutely delighted with.

I have heard people describe Obsidian as a masculine energy, but for me it is a wonderful tool for connecting to the Cosmic Void/Great Womb of Creation that is simultaneously absolute zero or no-thingness and all potentials. In much ‘new age’ teaching, the focus is often on the light and darkness is very misunderstood, but we were all conceived and nurtured in the dark of the womb and pure darkness is a place of sacred feminine power.

Obsidian is often described as grounding and protecting; and it is very useful in these ways when doing spiritual work and/or working shamanically.

You can buy Obsidian here.

Labradorite - mystery and magic, psychic perception, linking your heart with God/dess

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Labradorite is a feldspar that, at first, appears to be grey and non-descript.  However, as it is turned, it displays flashes of  the most beautiful colours – peacock blue, green, pink, gold.  This gives it a magical quality, which provides a clue its nature.

Labradorite connects us directly to Source – to the Great Mystery that is at the heart of Creation. This Mystery remains beyond understanding – however much we try to understand it, explain it, contain it, quantify it.

It shows us, if we are willing and able to look, that although we are embodied on Earth, we are of the Stars and of God. How we choose to express the Divine in our lifetime here on Earth is entirely up to us.

When meditating with Labradorite, I am first aware of my Earth Star Chakra, my rootedness here on Mother Earth. Next I soar upwards, higher and higher, until I come to a place that is beyond my knowing – and still my consciousness soars upwards. Then I become aware of my heart at the centre of my Being, and understand that being in my heart, I link Heaven and Earth.

Some sources suggest that Labradorite can be used for specific physical problems, but I do not understand that Labradorite is to be used in this way.

Labradorite teaches about the mystery and magic of Creation – the mystery of creation, and the magic of how we manifest that on the physical level.  If you want to celebrate that magic, work with Labradorite.  If you have lost your way and feel disconnected from the magic of Life, work with Labradorite.

Hold a piece while meditating; put a piece under your pillow and ask for dreams that will guide you; wear it to celebrate Life on Mother Earth, or, if you feel lost, to help you to remember that you are a child of God, presently having a physical experience on our beautiful Mother Earth.

Labradorite awakens psychic perception and opening us to greater understanding and wisdom. It connects the Heart with Goddess/God.

You can buy Labradorite here

Lapis Lazuli - psychic perception, inner wisdom, past life memory


Lapis Lazuli is a rock comprised of the minerals lazurite (deep, rich blue) calcite (white) and pyrite (gold flecks). It is renowned as a ‘spiritual stone’, with a long association with wisdom and truth, and is considered by many to be useful for psychic protection.

Lapis has a strong affinity with the brow chakra/third eye. It is calming to the everyday mind and can help to bring a sense of clear perspective. There are many qualities of physical healing attributed to Lapis Lazuli, but to me, the main gift and power of lapis Lazuli is to take us deep within to access our own wisdom and truth. In my experience, it is one of the main stones to access past life memories.

I do, however, often use it for blocked sinuses. Three pieces on brow and cheeks can work wonders!

You can buy Lapis Lazuli here.

Girasol or Moon Quartz - feminine, mysterious, dreamy

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Moon/Girasol Quartz has a truly beautiful opalescent quality. It is not Clear Quartz, nor Milky Quartz, nor White or Snow Quartz. It looks like a white version of the best quality gemmy Rose Quartz, and like Rose Quartz sometimes shows asterism/the star effect.

This Quartz has also been called Moon Quartz, Moon Opal, Pearl Quartz, and Blue Opal Quartz. (To be clear - it is not an Opal.)

Moon Quartz is both gentle and powerful, with a subtle, quiet strength. It is very feminine and connects with Moon energy and cycles of creativity. It aids intuition and deep knowing and is a great dreaming stone.

I’ve chosen Moon Quartz for Samhain for the mysterious, dreamy quality.

You can buy Moon Quartz here.

Tourmaline - grounding, aligning, protective

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In my experience, Black Tourmaline is the most effective crystal for protection. It is powerfully grounding and centering, and can help us to deal with the impact of external influences.

On a physical level, it aligns the spine and skeleton. Emotionally and mentally it helps us to stay centred in the midst of chaos. It brings us fully into our physical bodies, aligning spirit fully with the physical, so that we can be responsible for how we deal with external influences, rather than blaming others.

Black Tourmaline can also help to ground your own negative emotions and thoughtforms, so it is ideal to use if you are angry, anxious, or feeling low due to internal criticism.

If you find Black Tourmaline a bit too heavy, Tourmalinated Quartz - Quartz with crystals of Tourmaline within - is lighter and easier to assimilate for some. It is very centering but less grounding.

Enjoy the mystery and magic of Samhain

Crystal Blessings from Sue xxx