Faden Quartz

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Faden Quartz


Lovely bright little Faden Quartz.

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Clear or colourless quartz can be totally transparent and glass-like, or have beautiful internal patterns and rainbows. It brings clarity, balance, alignment & harmony. It activates all systems of the body & all levels of consciousness.

For some people it can help to increase vitality when they lack energy or feel low; for others it can bring calmness and a feeling of wellbeing. It clears blockages & limitations at all levels of Being, protects against unwanted energies, increases awareness & promotes spiritual growth. It amplifies thought-forms, prayers & the effects of all other crystals, & can focus & enhance other forms of healing.

The word Faden means thread in German and Faden Quartz is so called because of the visible white 'thread' that runs through it. Most Faden Quartz comes from Pakistan but it is also found in the Alps. The 'thread' is a symbol of connection and Fadens can help to link dimensions and aid communication. It is an excellent crystal for meditaion and spiritual work. Although it can awaken intuition and psychic ability, it has a gentle, peaceful energy.