
Shungite has become incredibly popular recently and I have had so many people asking me about it that I decided to write and speak about it.
Written words below 👇
Spoken words here 🙂

Shungite is a black, carbon mineral from Karelia that is found in very ancient metamorphic rocks. It is generally considered to have its origins in very ancient sea organisms, similar to those that become oil or coal, but there is also theory that Shungite is part of a giant meteorite.

In rocks with a higher carbon content, it looks very much like shiny black coal; in that with a lower content, it is more grey. Rocks with the highest content appear silvery grey, and are called Noble Shungite or Elite Shungiite. In the crystal world, you can buy different grades of Shungite, and the shiny Noble Shungite costs a lot more than the duller variety. I have both! You can click on any of the text highlighted in pink to take you to the shop

Unpolished Shungite Pebbles

The standard grade, unpolished has a beautiful, velvety texture, and I love the appearance but it can be rather messy. It’s fine by your wifi and I have a sphere that I love. However, as you can see in the photograph below, where I am sorting a new delivery of Shungite, it wouldn’t be so great to wear.

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So what is special about Shungite?

As well as carbon, some Shungite contains tiny amounts of fullerenes - a rare and unusual hollow molecule consisting of many carbon atoms, that is considered to be responsible for many of the healing qualities.

Fullerenes are a class of closed, hollow carbon compounds that comprise of the third form of pure carbon ever discovered. The discovery of fullerenes in the mid-1980s was made by Richard Smalley and Robert Curl of Rice University and Harold Kroto of the University of Sussex. In 1996, Smalley, Curl, and Kroto were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery. The most remarkable of the fullerenes is the 60-carbon alkene buckminsterfullerene, also known as buckyballs. These natural fullerenes have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals like no other antioxidant and their action is stronger and longer lasting.

The buckyball was labelled "molecule of the year," in 1991 by Science Magazine where it was described as "the discovery most likely to shape the course of scientific research in the years ahead“.

The earliest evidence that buckyballs occur in nature was discovered by Arizona State University researchers Semeon Tsipursky and Peter Buseck, who found that a sample of rare, carbon-rich rock called shungite, estimated to have been formed between 600 million and 4 billion years ago, contained both C60 and C70 fullerenes, (buckminsterfullerene’s)

Since then, these fascinating molecules have also been identified in meteorites, impact craters, and materials struck by lightning, leading some to believe that shungite may actually originate from out of space.

The hollow structure of the geodesic molecules makes it possible to trap impure atoms inside them like a molecular cage, thereby stabilising impurities and purifying electromagnetic frequencies. This unique capability has captured the attention of the medical community. Researchers believe that eventually buckyballs may be used to deliver medicines to specific tissues and cells, such as those that have been attacked by bacteria, protecting the rest of the body from the toxic effects of potent pharmaceuticals. This would basically mean that the buckminsterfullerene’s could localise disease and stop it from spreading to other cells!

This information is currently being used to develop and improve Medical Resonance Imaging (MRI) contrast agents and image enhancers by using the concept of the carbon cage of the fullerene to shield patients from the radioactive materials inside.

The implications of this discovery are tremendous for modern-day society where we are surrounded by toxic electromagnetic frequencies being emitted from mobile phones, computers, microwaves, wi-fi hot spots and television screens. Shungite has the potential to neutralise and shield us from harmful radiation without interfering with the signal being received by the equipment.

To bring this unique property into your life you can wear a pendant or bracelet; stick a piece on your mobile phone; place by your wifi router, computer, etc.

I have spheres that bring in the energy of Wholeness as well as ‘Shungiteness’; cubes that bring a very stable energy that fits well with ‘Shungiteness’; pyramids that are little powerhouses.
Please click on the images to go to the shop.


Lovely Shungite pendants in a variety of shapes. These are slim and light and, if you don’t want to wear as visible jewellery, they fit easily beneath your clothing. Please click on the images to take you to the shop.

You can also stick a Phone Protector on the back of your mobile phone. Marcus chose the Flower of Life design.

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As well as the Flower of Life design, we have lovely Shungite phone protectors in plain and a variety of other engraved patterns. Please click on the images to take you to item in the shop.

And finally, Shungite keyrings. Suitable even for those who aren’t crystal lovers 😉
Please click on the images to take you to item in the shop.


For at least 300 years, water flowing over Shungite has been considered to have healing properties. There is a story from the 18th century that tells how Russian Tsar Peter the Great supplied each of his soldiers with a piece of Shungite to put in their water bottles. I don’t know whether they had water bottles in those days, or if they were drinking waterthat had run over Shungite rocks. Anyway, it was said that this contributed to the defeat of the Swedish army during the Battle of Poltova (1709) when dystentery broke out and the Swedes, lacking Shungite, were defeated by the Russians who had water purified and cleansed by Shungite.

More recently, it was observed that the water that came from the Shungite rock appeared to have healing properties and people who drank the water seemed to make rapid recovery from illness. Russian scientists have shown that shungite water purification eradicates heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride and pesticides that can be present in modern-day drinking water.

This has led to the increasingly popular practice of putting Shungite in water as a purifier. I’ve been using Shungite in my water jug for quite some time now. It definitely affects the taste. It seems sweeter and smoother.

Elite or Noble Shungite - perfect for your water bottle or jug

Elite or Noble Shungite - perfect for your water bottle or jug

People have asked me how much Shungite do they need for water purification. I’m sure that if you google it, you’ll find some ‘rules’. I don’t have any rules, but am happy to share my opinion here. I only have experience of Tamar Valley water, which is soft water, and I think a £5 or £6 piece is adequate for a standard water 500ml bottle, with 3 pieces for a water jug. If you live in a hard water area, I suggest you experiment. The other question is - how long do I leave the Shungite in the water? This is what I do. In the morning I empty any undrunk water, rinse the Shungite and the jug and refill for the day. Afternoon glasses will have more time with the Shungite than morning glasses, though if I drink it all (or share with others) I simply refill throughout the day.

Apart from the energetic qualities mentioned above, Shungite is grounding without any heaviness. In that way, it is similar to Jet. It feels very stable but light, and I find that it brings a lovely, gentle but definite sense of wellbeing.

Interestingly, it appears to be self-maintaining. Although it is working with ‘negative’ energies, it doesn’t appear to need cleansing - transforming rather than absorbing energy. This is my experience up to today, and of course it might change at any time, so please don’t say, ‘Sue says Shungite doesn’t need cleansing'.
Use your own experience, intuition and discernment and let me know what you find.

Crystal Blessings xxx