Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz and Aquamarine

Last week I wrote about the importance of grounding and described three crystals that have strong grounding qualities - Black Tourmaline, Hematite and Obsidian. I’m continuing with the theme of grounding with two of today’s crystals - Bloodstone and Smoky Quartz. Neither of these are ‘heavy’ crystals but, to me, they still come into the category of ‘grounding stones’.



Bloodstone is a Jasper or opaque Chalcedony. Chalcedony is a kind of Quartz that forms in lumps or chunks - never as a single crystal or crystal cluster. Bloodstone is mainly green with red, and sometimes yellow, flecks. It has also been called Heliotrope.

Bloodstone is grounding, but not in a heavy way. I’ve chosen to speak of it now because, at a time when we need to keep our bodies and immune systems strong and healthy, it really helps us to be present in the physical body. It is an excellent detoxifier and healer, especially for blood disorders and liver problems. It is also very useful to provide support and stability and to increase energy and vitality. If you are ill or feeling low following illness and need a boost, bloodstone could give steady, reliable support.

You can buy Bloodstone here. Please be aware that I have lots more than you can see on the website. Items are being added daily! You can also email for special requests.


Smoky Quartz

Oh lovely Smoky - one of my favourite crystals! Here are two of my old friends. I can’t remember when the sphere came to me, but she has been a good friend for a long time. She’s great to hold in the hands at the end of the day, or any time when stress release and gentle grounding is needed. Because she works hard to help me with this, she appreciates a good bath or shower on a regular basis. The beautiful crystal came to me in very interesting circumstances in 2003. He’s from Brazil via New Zealand. He’s a great ally for me and, in return, I provide legs for him to get around.


Smoky Quartz is Quartz that varies from pale smoky grey, through brown to black, and may be transparent, translucent or totally opaque.

It is a lovely grounding stone  - gentler than Tourmaline, Obsidian or Hematite, and is suitable for anyone. Those who resist being present on the physical plane, and enjoy being a bit ‘spaced out’ can often benefit from Smoky Quartz.

It has a balanced energy, both masculine and feminine.  It is a wonderful ally for release on all levels.  One of my favourite crystal friends is a Smoky Quartz sphere that I have had for many years.  Sitting and holding this crystal always brings relief from stress.  It is as if a waterfall washes over and through me, taking with it pain, tension, fear, agitation, grief and so much more, leaving me calm and grounded.

If you have pain, a bruise, an area of infection, try holding a Smoky Quartz tumblestone to the affected area.  If you have a crystal, hold the crystal with the point facing away from the body.

For emotional stress or upheaval, try holding to your upper chest.

You can read more about Smoky Quartz here

You can buy Smoky Quartz here. Please be aware that I have lots more than you can see on the website. Items are being added daily! You can also email for special requests.

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Aquamarine isn’t a grounding stone. I’ve included it here because it is excellent for helping us to ‘go with the flow’ and release anything that we are holding onto that doesn’t serve.

At present we are dealing with many challenging situations. This is a fact and there’s much that we can’t change. What we can do though, is try not to get caught in fear which only makes things worse. It reminds me of the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Aquamarine can be particularly helpful in releasing attachment to things we cannot change.

Aquamarine is also very helpful to soothe a sore throat, and to encourage communcation and speaking truth.

You can buy Aquamarine here. Please be aware that I have lots more than you can see on the website. Items are being added daily! You can also email for special requests.


Crystal Blessings